📢 Announcements

Invitation from the Centre for Social Research and the office of Staff and Student Counsellor

Invitation from the Centre for Social Research and the office of Staff and Student Counsellor

by CLT Staff -
Number of replies: 0

The Centre for Social Research and the Office of the Staff and Student Counsellor kindly invite interested staff and students to take part in roundtable discussions that aim at improving our environment at DWU. Our discussion will focus on five main topics:


Managing resource (water, electricity, waste): Monday 24th, morning session 10.30-12.00

Safety for the students and the staff, Monday 24th, afternoon session 01.00 to 02.30 pm

Gender sensitivity, Tuesday 25th, morning session 10.30-12.00

Being inclusive and benefiting from social diversity, Tuesday 25th, afternoon session 01.00 to 02.30 pm

Behavioural issues on the campus, Wednesday 26th, morning session 10.30-12.00


These topics are very important to all of us as they contribute to our core DWU values and to Integral Human Development. Participants will share their views and ideas in a friendly and rather informal manner.


Date: The discussions will take place on June 24th, 25th and 26th during six session (morning session 10.30-12.00 am and afternoon session 01.00 to 02.30 pm).


The last half day on these roundtables (Wednesday 26th in the afternoon) would be devoted to a conclusive session during which we could draft a “Charter for a better environment”.


Venue: FASS room 304


Everyone is warmly welcome