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History of National Remembrance Day

History of National Remembrance Day

by CLT Staff -
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When is National Remembrance Day?

Ela Beach Remembrance Memorial Park, Healy Road, Port Moresby, National Capital District, PNG, Credit: PNG Travel

National Remembrance Day is a public holiday in Papua New Guinea (PNG), observed on July 23rd.

This day commemorates those Papua New Guineans who have died in military service.

History of National Remembrance Day

Most of the history of New Guinea has been defined by the remoteness of the island and the difficulty in mastering the difficult terrain. While the island succumbed to colonial control by the Germans, Dutch and British, most islanders remained isolated from contact with foreigners.

That isolation came to a crashing end in 1942, when the Japanese and the second world war arrived in New Guinea. At the start of the war, Japan moved to occupy the northern part of the island with the aforementioned terrain in the south hampering efforts to subjugate PNG.

In July 1942, the Japanese launched an offensive with the aim of taking the capital, Port Moresby, which would have proved a strong strategic position from which to stage an invasion of Australia.

On July 23rd 1942, a small number of soldiers from the PNG infantry battalion supported Allied forces in attacking a forward party of Japanese troops at Awala in the Kokoda region. This was a historic landmark in the country's history as it was the first time, PNG soldiers had engaged in battle on native soil. As such the date has become a focal point for this memorial day intended to remember the members of the PNG armed forces who have died on duty in the first world war, the second world war, and subsequent peacekeeping and law and order engagements within PNG and abroad.

The brave defence by PNG natives and troops is seen as a key factor in the defeat of Japan in the region.

Nowadays, the PNG Defence Force is a modest force with about 2,100 troops covering land, air and marine operations. Nonetheless, they have committed themselves in assisting and protecting other Pacific nations.

The observation of Remembrance Day as a public holiday began in Papua New Guinea in 1981.

The actual date 23rd was on Sunday and we observe the Monday 24th this year in lieu of the actual remembrance date on Sunday.