CLT -Student Workshops & Resources

CLT: These workshop and resource course pages are study programs directly aligned to CLT's operational plans and support services for DWU academic teaching and learning.

Our workshops are generally aligned into the four areas;
  • Literacy programs
  • Numeracy programs
  • Personal & Professional Enrichment programs
  • Moodle training and support
  • Other educational technology training
  • Extra curricular activities
  • Open educational resources (OERs)

Feel free to look through the resources if you're interested or planning to take the program. A few of these programs have guest access to them and you can view resources without enrolling. Others, you may be required to enroll to attend the workshops.

We have also shared some OERs from other universities through a non-cc share-alike license for student self-study. Feel free to view and use the resources for your own learning and development.

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Learner Support

As a student, this is your teaching and learning support hub. Begin here to explore learner support resources to help you in your blended and online learning journey.